Assistant Professor
Name: | María del Carmen Ramos Ordóñez | ![]() |
Position: | Assistant Professor | |
Research group: | HUM-1021: Atención a la Diversidad y Educación Bilingüe | |
Email address: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
Address: | Faculty of Arts, ground floor, last office in the corridor next to Main Hall/Auditorium |
PhD in Language and Cultures with International Mention by the University of Cordoba (UCO) in 2024, her academic profile has moved from a BA’s Degree in English Philology by the UCO, a BA’s Degree in Education, Specialist in Foreign Language-English by the University of Castilla-La Mancha, and a Master in English for Professional Qualification by the UCO, for which she received extraordinary completion prize. In addition to attending numerous educational research conferences and training activities, she has also completed a research stay at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland).
Carmen has worked as an English specialist in Secondary Schools (2003-2009) and Early Childhood and Primary Schools (2009-2020). Currently, she works as an assistant professor at the UCO. That is why her teaching and research work advocates for the collaboration among educational centres of all levels —from early childhood to higher education— teacher training centres, authorities, and researchers, in order to implement teachers education effectively and provide teachers with up to date tools and strategies to manage the diverse realities and the day-to-day issues that there are in our classrooms.
During her stage as a teacher in compulsory education she has taught linguistic and non-linguistic areas in public bilingual schools in Andalusia. Additionally, she coordinated the Bilingual Programme and the Teachers Training Programme. Within the later, she designed Training Programmes about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Integrated Didactic Units, Cooperative Learning, the Portfolio as an instrument for evaluation and reflection about learning, and the School Linguistic Project. Her research interests range from the analysis of oral and semiotic resources and in-class strategies for the transmission of knowledge and the implementation of bilingual education, to the study of English pronunciation and the attention to Specific Educational Support Needs provision within mainstream foreign language education.
Main publications
- Ramos Ordóñez, M. C. (2022). La observación no participante como método de formación continua en el aula bilingüe de educación primaria. En D. Cobos-Sanchiz, E. López-Meneses, A. Jaén-Martínez, A. H. Martín-Padilla y L. Molina-García (Eds.) Educación y sociedad: pensamiento e innovación para la transformación (pp. 2865–2874). Editorial Dykinson.
- Pimentel Velázquez, C., Ramos Ordóñez, M.C., & Pavón Vázquez, V. (2022). Materials Design for the Development of Subjects-Specific Literacies in English-Taught Courses at the University. En F. Costa & C. Mariotti (Eds.), Input in English-Medium Instruction (pp. 53–65). Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
- Pavón Vázquez, V., & Ramos Ordóñez, M.C. 2019. Describing the use of the L1 in CLIL: analysing students’ L1 communication strategies in classroom interaction. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(1), 35-48.
- Ramos Ordóñez, M.C. 2018. Interaction and Integration in CLIL: a study on project-based cooperative learning en F. J. Díaz and Mª A. Moreno (Eds.), Languages at the Crossroads: Training, Accreditation and Context of Use. 35th Edition of the International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics. pp. 63-73. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén.
- Ramos, Ordóñez M.C., & Pavón Vázquez, V. 2015. Developing cooperative learning through integrated tasks in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 5(2), 136-166.
- Ramos Ordóñez, MC., & Pavón Vázquez, V. 2015 AICLE, Coordinación y Aprendizaje Colaborativo. Revista digital Andalucía Educativa ISSN: 1139-5044.