Associate Professor
Name: | Pilar Guerrero Medina | ![]() |
Position: | Associate Professor | |
Research group: | Lingüística Cognitiva y Funcional (HUM-693) | |
Telephone: | + 34 957 21 87 65 | |
Email address: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
Address: | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Anexo junto al Salón de Actos, 2ª planta |
Pilar Guerrero is Associate Professor at the University of Córdoba, where she currently teaches courses on English Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics. She has mainly conducted her research within a functional-cognitive framework, focusing on the relationship between lexical semantics and grammar, on the one hand, and grammar and discourse, on the other. She has been visiting scholar at the Universities of Amsterdam, Nottingham, Munich, Hildesheim and at the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland). Pilar Guerrero has published essays on a range of topics, including transitivity as a prototype category in grammar and discourse and the interaction of verbal projections and verbal constructions in English. While her earlier publications are framed mainly within the Functional Grammar theory of Simon C. Dik, her later work also incorporates insights from the Goldbergian version of Construction Grammar, Functional Discourse Grammar and the Lexical Constructional Model.
Pilar Guerrero is the main researcher of the Cognitive and Functional Linguistics Research Group (HUM-693) ( and is currently the English Studies Program UG Coordinator at the University of Córdoba (
Main publications
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar and Palma Gutiérrez, Macarena (2023) “The lexico-semantic profile of non-agentive deverbal -er nominals: a usage-based approach”. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 39: 87-107.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2020) “The distribution of verbs and verb classes in the English for-dative alternation: a lexico-paradigmatic approach”. RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 19.1: 120-135.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2020) “Meaning construction and motivation in the English benefactive double object construction. Verbal and constructional semantics at work”. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18.1: 94-111. - Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2018) “Towards a comprehensive account of English –er deverbal synthetic compounds in Functional Discourse Grammar”. Word Structure 11.1: 14-35.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2017) “The English “conative” as a family of constructions. Towards a usage-based approach”. In Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco J. et al. (eds), Constructing Families of Constructions. Analytical Perspectives and Theoretical Challenges. (Human Cognitive Processing Series 58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 277-299.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2017) “The covert modality of ‘letting’ in the English middle construction”. In Marín Arrese, Juana et al. (eds), Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages. Discourse-pragmatic Perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang, 219-238.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2014) “A lexico-paradigmatic approach to English setting-constructions”. In González-Gómez, M. Ángeles et al. (eds), The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse. Applications and Implications. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 247). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 133-148.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (ed.) (2011) Morphosyntactic Alternations in English. Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2009) “Semantic and pragmatic constraints on the English get-passive.” In Butler, Chris S. and Javier Martín Arista (eds.), Deconstructing Constructions. (Studies in Language Companion Series 107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 271-294.
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar (2005) “Transitivity in foregrounded discourse. A contrastive study in English and Spanish.” In Butler, Chris S. et al. (eds.), The Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and Contrastive Perspectives. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 140). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 349-369.
Research projects
- Cruces léxicos y modelación cognitiva: Desarrollo de una base de datos analítica fundamentada teóricamente / Lexical blending and cognitive modeling: Developing a theory-driven analytical database
ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PARTICIPACIÓN: Investigadora (tiempo completo) - Dimensiones interpretativas y descriptivas no denotacionales en la construcción de significado: integración de datos lingüísticos, interlingüísticos y experimentales / Non-denotational meaning dimensions in figurative language constructions: an integrated linguistic, cross-linguistic and experimental approach. PID2020-118349GB-I00
ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PARTICIPACIÓN: Investigadora (tiempo completo)
PhD Theses
- Title: A family-resemblance analysis of the middle construction: a functional-cognitive approach / Un análisis de parecido familiar de la construcción media: un enfoque funcional-cognitivo
Co-dirigida con Antonio Barcelona Sánchez.
Doctoral student: Macarena Palma Gutiérrez
Date of defense: 11/03/2022
She obtained “Sobresaliente cum laude” and received the international PhD mention
Ongoing thesis:
- Title: A contrastive study of the resultative construction in English and Spanish from a lexical-constructional perspective / Estudio contrastivo de la construcción resultativa en inglés y español desde un enfoque léxico-construccional
Doctoral student: Isabel Jiménez Sáez