Population monitoring of the olive fly is updated with a more efficient method
Smaller and better-distributed yellow adhesive traps allow for better control of the olive fly population, according to a field study carried out by the University of Córdoba
Massive Biodiversity Data Collection Improves Ecosystem Predictions
A team at the University of Córdoba verifies that large biodiversity databases, in which citizens record observations of flora, are capable of calibrating joint species distribution models, even when conducted individually, provided that more than 50% of the species in the area have been recorded
Inclusive Education Improves Students' socio-emotional Skills
A study featuring more than 3,500 Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) students and 294 teachers reveals that teachers' commitment to inclusive education favors their students' socio-emotional skills
Excessive patient loads were the greatest cause of moral distress among health personnel during the pandemic
Being a woman, a nursing professional, and working in the community sphere increased the risk of moral distress (MD), according to a study by the University of Cordoba carried out among more than 500 professionals with the Public Health Service of Andalusia in a period immediately after the COVID-19 PANDEMIC
The technological challenge of non-stick pans: Teflon is still more effective than other coatings
A protocol designed by the University of Cordoba yields a simple and robust evaluation of the efficiency and durability of different commercial non-stick coatings used for food preparation
A new design improves water decontamination via plasma jet
Two UCO research groups design a plasma (an ionized gas) reactor maintained by microwaves that makes it possible to decontaminate waters with high concentrations of dye
Who defends bullying victims? A study analyzes adolescents'behavior in this regard
The LAECOVI research team at the University of Cordoba studied the behavior of those defending adolescent victims of bullying and its relationship to thesestudents' social and regulatory adjustment and perceptions of popularity among peers
A database unifies the information on damage to European forests over the last 60 years
The University of Córdoba is participating in the creation of the first database that harmonizes the recording of disturbances caused by insects and diseases in forests in 8 European countries by combining remote sensing, satellite images and field data
The antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosadeclines, but the presence of a hypervirulent strain surges
The University of Cordoba is participating, together with IMIBIC and the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, in a national study that analyzes the evolution, between 2017 and 2022, of the antibiotic resistance of a bacterium associated with high mortality rates
Cover crops reduce carbon loss in the soil of Mediterranean olive groves by more than 75%
After a four-year study of Andalusia’s different olive growing regions, a University of Cordoba study concludes that the use of ground cover, in addition to reducing erosion and runoff, slows the loss of organic carbon in soil, outperforming tillage.