The University community has the ability to access to the University network by the wireless network infrastruture deployed by the University spaces .
Access Modalities
The elements necessary to use this connection are:
- A device (desktop or laptop, PDA, IP phone, mobile ) card equipped with a WI-FI wireless (Based on IEEE 802.11b o IEEE 802.11g).
- An email account at UCO or any of the institutions belonging to the Eduroam initative.
- For those without email account on the UCO (eg private shool students or temporary users)there are generic or complimentary accounts, which will provided either by the secretariats of their schools or homes or by the computing Service.
The conditions of service are as follows:
- It offers speeds up to 300M/s without switching.
- Students have limited access to WEB(www,email,ftp), whyle teh staff of the University does not have this restriction.
- Sensitive information (username and pasword data) always travel encryted in the wireless segment. If desired, the user can also encrrypt your entire connection using a WEP key (the current standard of encryption on wireless networks)by the operator center (only for university staff). In the future, it will provide more restrictive encryption standards, as they become available on the market.
To set up access, follow these steps:
- Configure the wireless connection to the network identifier (SSID) "uconet". This identifier is public and announced periodically over the wireless network, so that your device should automatically detect and connect to this network offer. In any case, follow the instructions for your software or wireless device.
- The wireless network will be responsible for assigning a valid IP address and correct data for connection, so you must configure this connection as "dynamic IP", "Obtain an IP address automatically" or "IP obtained by DHCP". This is usually the default option when configuring a network connection, so you usually do not have to worry about this aspect.
To use the connection once your device is associated with the wireless network, you must open your Internet browser. On the first page you visit, you will be shown a window that looks:

After entering your email and password, the system will serve the requested page, allowing thereafter connect to all services that have allowed (ftp, email, telnet).
Your session will remain active automatically when network activity has, so normally you will not see the authentication screen until you turn off your computer for a period longer than ten minutes.
Eduroam (se recomienda su configuración a través de eduroam CAT)
Eduroam (Educational Roaming) is an international project whose objective is to create a single WiFi space that allows easy wireless access to Internet in movements among the academic institutions associated with the project.
A University of Córdoba user who is in an Eduroam affiliate institution, will be able to connect to its wireless network using the credentials of our university. In the same way, any external user whose institution belongs to Eduroam, will be able to access to UCO wireless network with their user / password in their institution.
The University of Córdoba offers access to guest users on the same terms as its own users, and through all the available modalities, applying the restrictions of the Student collective
Once configured, this access mode allows the user to connect to UCO wireless network automatically and securely.
This type of connection uses the available standards for WiFi networks in terms of encryption and authentication, specifically WPA (WiFi Protected Access) in its "Enterprise" mode with the 802.1x authentication method (EAP-TTLS) and TKIP encoded.
To configure Eduroam, it is recommended to use the installation profiles available on eduroam CAT (Configuration Assistant Tool), that facilitate the configuration task to users.
eduroam CAT (Configuration Assistant Tool)
Setting up a computer using eduroam CAT is as simple as downloading and running the installer corresponding to the operating system of your equipment for the University of Córdoba in eduroam CAT.

If instead of using the previous link you access directly to eduroam CAT home page, you must click on the button located at the bottom of the screen.
And then select the University of Córdoba from the list of institutions associated with the Eduroam initiative that is presented.

Only in case you do not find the appropriate installer to your computer's operating system, proceed to the manual configuration.
The University of Cordoba allow internet connectivity across campus with EDUROAM. More information.