8,86 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Estudios de filología inglesa
9,62 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Dos traducciones castellanas atribuidas a Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda. El diálogo de Luçiano llamado Palinuro y la Homelía XXX de San Juan Chrisóstomo: Que ninguno puede resçebir daño sino de símesmo
7,21 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Proyectos de lengua universal. La contribución española
14,42 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Hijo del exceso: La poesía trascendental de E. E. Cummings
18,03 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Poética Silva. Un manuscrito granadino del Siglo de Oro
15,02 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Sistema software para la contribución a la docencia de la fonética inglesa, V. 1.0: la enseñanza de las vocales, diptongos y consonantes
15,62 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Romper el espejo: La mujer y la transgresión de códigos en la literatura española: Escritura. Lectura. Textos (1001-2000)
20,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Estudios de Filología Inglesa. Actas de las IV Jornadas de Filología Inglesa
35,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Cartas, documentos y escrituras de Luis de Góngora y Argote (1561-1627) y de sus parientes
16,50 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Las construcciones de relativo
6,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Panegírico a la Virgen de la Sierra
11,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
La república hablanera
10,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
El Mesto de las Rosas
20,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Gracia Noriega, escritor
25,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Mujer y memoria: representaciones, identidades y códigos
10,60 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
La novela femenil y sus lectrices. La desvalorización de las mujeresy lo femenino en la crítica literaria española actual
23,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Don DeLillo. Tropologías de la postmodernidad
4,21 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Yo vivo
14,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
111 poemas rusos
10,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Análisis feministas de la literatura. De las teorías feministas a las prácticas literarias