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La UCO con Ucrania

Paz y Libertad para Ucrania

Peace and Freedom for Ukraine

Мир и свободу Украине

La UCO con Ucrania

UCOPress avanza al nivel 2 del Programa Trébol

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Estudios de Geografía

14,56 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Actas del VII Coloquio de Geografía Rural. Nº 7
12,14 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Agricultura y desarrollo económico desigual en zonas rurales: Puente Genil y Santaella, siglos XVII-XX. Nº 1
6,06 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Comunidad de propietarios regantes del pantano del Guadalmellato (1908-1985)
11,49 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Dinámica erosiva en los paisajes de la cuenca del río Guadajoz (Córdoba y Jaén). Nº 16
25,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Dinámicas funcionales y ordenación de los espacios del Sistema del Patrimonio Territorial Andaluz. Análisis en Andalucía Occidental. Nº 18
9,01 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) El proceso de modernización de la población cordobesa durante el siglo XX. Nº 15
28,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Espacios naturales protegidos y ordenación del litoral en Andalucía. Nº 17
8,49 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Explotación agraria y ocupación del espacio productivo en Sierra Morena. Nº 5
11,42 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) La agroindustria vitivinícola en el área andina argentina. Nº 14
7,21 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) La artesanía en la zona andina argentina. Propuestas para el desarrollo. Nº 12
6,06 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) La población de Córdoba y sus barrios. Estructura y distribución recientes. Nº 4
12,14 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) La propiedad agraria en dos señoríos cordobeses: Fernán-Núñez y Montemayor. Nº 3
12,02 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) La zona regable del Guadalmellato (Córdoba). Antecedentes y génesis (1883-1940). Nº 11
4,55 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Los incendios forestales en la provincia de Córdoba. Nº 2
18,03 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Los recursos minerales del cordón andino argentino. Regiones Cuyo y Noa. Nº 13
9,71 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Miscelánea geográfica en homenaje al profesor Luis Gil Varón. Nº 8
6,01 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Propiedad de la tierra y reforma agraria en Córdoba (1932-1936). Nº 6
8,71 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Propiedad, actividad agraria y medio ambiente en España y América Latina. Nº 9
3,90 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected]) Sierra Morena y las poblaciones carolinas: su significado en la literatura viajera de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Nº 10
Results 1 - 19 of 19




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