20,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Arquitectura y Regionalismo. Nº 11
21,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
El patrimonio Hebreo en la España Medieval. Nº 7
28,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Introducción a la arquitectura regionalista. El modelo sevillano. Nº 1
20,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Juan De Mesa (1627-2002). Nº 8
20,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
La Sábana Santa de Turín y El Santo Sudario de Oviedo, desde la Historia, la Ciencia y el Arte. Nº 10
17,31 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at [email protected])
Velázquez (1599-1999). Visiones y revisiones. Nº 6